Friday, December 1, 2006

They advise me to do what they don't like to do!

I am always advised by some of my friends and relatives that I'd better to find a job and spend some time out of home. I really don't know why they advise me to do that while they are not happy with their jobs, getting up early morning everyday, taking the kids to daycare or leaving them with the babysitter and ... . The worst part of their life is the money they make with their full time jobs. The luckiest one can have 10 bucks per hour after paying tax. They also have to pay for gas and other expenses that their cars have every month.

So what advantages does working out of home have for them? Why do they encourage me to do something that they are not happy with it? The advice I always give them is much better. I advise them to become stay at home moms (or even dads!) and let their kids grow under their nose. They don't know how pleasant it is when you see your baby takes his first step or says his first word. Most of them are used to hear these news from their babysitters.

You may be a mom or dad with the same issues and problems with your full time job. I don't want to ask you to quit your full time job right away, stay at home and think about working from home. I always try to teach people on my weblog and articles to be broad-minded and not to make any limitation for themselves. They can use their extra time they will have when their kids are slept or at the weekend to find some extra streams of income. Even if you don't need to make any more money and you are happy with your current income but sooner or later you will need some more money. Your children will grow up and there will be many new things that you will have to provide for them. So it does worth if you spend some of the time you are used to spend to take nap or watching TV on finding good ways to create some new streams of income.

1 comment:

jojo said...

I have decided most people look down on stay at home moms, as if we were nobody before we hade kids. I too gave up a career and made a choice to be at home with my children. All of my friends always tell me they have the most respect for me - it is harder to stay at home than go to work. My friends see it and they can respect it. My children are polite and kind and know I am always there for them - that was my dream!!! I will have time for me later when they are both grown. For now my goal is to mold my children into children that have values and respect for other people.